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Loving Your Lungs with Kundalini Yoga and Qi Gong

Fall is Mother Nature's Exhale. 

As the season's change, the energy in the air encourages us to  release. It's the time of year when the trees (the lungs of the earth) prepare to shed their leaves and we as humans are encouraged to give a little extra love to our lungs - a space where we energetically hold grief.

What are Kundalini Yoga & Qi Gong?

Kundalini Yoga is known as the "Yoga of Experience." In each class we move through a set of movement and meditation. The movement is called a “kriya” and works like a recipe that has a specific effect on the body - physically and energetically. The system of pressure and release supports the nervous system to reset and regulate and the glandular system to balance. To Elizabeth, each class feels like brushing your teeth but for your brain. This practice is understood best by experiencing it. Come try it out! 

Qi Gong is an ancient Chinese art and science that cultivates the life force–Qi, through moving meditations. Its practice is rooted in the understanding that humans are a part of nature, and not separate from it. Fall is the time of the lungs–letting go, and the emotion grief. We will build and strengthen the lungs, then deepen our connection to nature with a tree meditation.

What to Expect:

  • Warm Welcome & Tune In

  • Kundalini Kriya For Lungs

  • Qi Gong For Lungs 

  • Juicy Relaxation with Crystal Bowls

  • Journaling & Closing 

What to Bring: 

  • Dress for the Weather

  • Mat, Blankets, and Cushions 

  • Any other items that will make meditation and relaxation cozy.

  • Journal, Paper, & Pen (Optional)

Safety First:

Please space yourselves at least 6 feet away so participants can practice breath work without masks on. If you'd prefer to keep your mask on throughout the practice that's fine as well. If you're practicing as a family, you're more than welcome to cluster together.

Sliding Scale: $25 / $35 / $45

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