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VIRTUAL 11/11 Akashic Group Healing

  • Online United States (map)

The Akasha is your soul’s vibrational journey through all space and time and contain past, present, and future possibilities. Through your records you will have access, clarity, and guidance on any information you may need at this time.

The vibration of 11 is a master number and is associated with the higher realms and spiritual awakenings. This day of 11 11 will give you the support you need to manifest, to strengthen and open your heart’s magnetic field, while receiving wisdom from your spirit guides.

What to expect: We will enter into ceremonial prayer to open up the records, followed by an energetic clearing and meditation to connect with your guides.

Have a journal close by to write down any messages you receive. Please create a cozy and sacred space that is free of distractions. Light up some incense, turn down the lights, and turn off your phone. Once you sign up you will receive the zoom link for class.

Cost: $11

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