Summer Solstice Celebration
Over the years, the Sat Nam Soulstice Fest has brought thousands of people together to share space during this auspicious time. Join us in community and our global spiritual family in meditation and sound healing as we bow our heads to the sustainer of all.
Spring Equinox Healing Sound Journey
Come out of hibernation and awaken the possibilities of Spring ! The Spring Equinox marks the end of winter, an auspicious day of equal night, equal day and balance. From here we welcome longer brighter days and our creativity awakens!
Autumn Equinox Sound Journey
Tap into Earth based wisdom and settle into the Harvest Season with a Healing Sound Journey to remember! Its chance to reap what we’ve sown, give thanks, cleanse and prepare the ground to reflect, restore and refocus.
Summer Solstice Celebration
Over the years, the Sat Nam Soulstice Fest has brought thousands of people together to share space during this auspicious time. Join us in community and our global spiritual family in meditation and sound healing as we bow our heads to the sustainer of all.
Spring Equinox Healing Sound Journey
Come out of hibernation and awaken the possibilities of Spring ! The Spring Equinox marks the end of winter, an auspicious day of equal night, equal day and balance. From here we welcome longer brighter days and our creativity awakens!
Immersive Heart Connection
Sound, Poetry, Movement and CACAO! Connect with your soul, nature’s wisdom, and the Universe. If you are looking to expand and be part of a community, this is for you!
Autumn Equinox Sound Journey
Tap into Earth based wisdom and settle into the Harvest Season with a Healing Sound Journey to remember! Its chance to reap what we’ve sown, give thanks, cleanse and prepare the ground to reflect, restore and refocus.
Summer Solstice Celebration
Over the years, the Sat Nam Soulstice Fest has brought thousands of people together to share space during this auspicious time. Join us in community and our global spiritual family in meditation and sound healing as we bow our heads to the sustainer of all.